Business Plan – 7 Easy Steps To Create Your 2008 Business Plan

Resolutions create energy and promise. However, if we just have a list of goals and “things” we would like to accomplish with no “action plan”, those under- achieved resolutions can end up making us downright depressed!

This year, are you willing to try something different when setting your business goals for 2008? You can create what I call Your Simple Business Plan by following through the 7 easy steps I will outline for you.

Your Simple Business Plan will include just 4 goals that you want to achieve in your business within the next year. 4 goals may not seem like a lot, but, believe me; it’s probably more than enough with everything else you have going on in your life! (Your Simple Business Plan is a 1-year plan that is actually part of a much larger strategic plan you have for your business.)

Oh, one more thought, resolutions aren’t only about your business and career; I’m sure you’ll be thinking about goals for your personal life, as well. Before you develop Your Simple Business Plan, take a few minutes to think about how well your overall life is balanced, and set personal goals, as well as business goals.

Following are the 7 steps you can take to measure your life balance, and create Your Simple Business Plan:

1. Measure Your Life Balance

Before you develop a vision for your business over the next year, consider this:

Your business should support and help you achieve your life vision, and goals. If you set only business- related goals, you decrease your odds of having a well-balanced, happy life, and achieving those business goals!

Before you move on to Step 2, I first encourage you to measure your life balance. The life areas to measure are your; financial situation and career; social and cultural situations; spirituality and ethics; family and home; mental and educational levels; and physical well-being and health.